August 30, 2008

Sir Arch A Lot Is Bojon

yum beer is on sabbatical these days in seattle, doing his very best to do the very least.

that said, rather than finding himself with time to burn, our subject finds himself on the run, barely able to cover the basics, much less get through his HoneyDoo list.

ah yes, the bojon conundrum is alive and well.

check out a snapshot of the daytime rush:

    July 22, 2008
    6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. Oversee wife getting kids ready for school
    7:15 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. School Drop-off
    8:00 - TBD Coffee
    ?? – 12:00PM Busy (email, organizing, planning, email)
    12:00 - 12:30 Lunch on the go
    12:30PM – 2:00PM Racquet ball with Johnny B.
    2:01 PM– 2:18 PM Sit in air-conditioned car breathing
    2:18PM – 4:00 PM Start on wife's chore list
    4:00PM – 4:05 PM Realize chore list not complete
    4:05PM – 5:00PM Prioritize items for tomorrow’s list
    5:00PM – 5:30PM Develop excuses for wife
    5:30PM – 5:45PM Kids get home
    6:00pm Order in for dinner

    Consider various process improvements. Call an old friend. Read.

sympathies, my friend. the solution lies in the tumwater.

Bojon Conundrum

Posted by bojon at August 30, 2008 07:25 AM